English 9
English 11
English 10
English 11 Honors
Creative Writing
English 10


English 10

Mr. Lettire


I would like to welcome you to English 10. As your teacher, I will guide you through the evaluations, readings, and essays. We will be closely reading texts from a variety of authors and genres that are challenging and diverse and are complex in both meaning and structure. We will also write a great deal including assignments in which we will write to understand, explain, express, and evaluate.


Note to parents - Students must have a dedicated notebook for this class. There is a notebook check every few weeks and is the most important part of their grade! The best way for you to see what they are doing in class is to read their notebook! 

  Textbook pass=  c01e056884     http://www.glencoe.com/ose

Course Objectives:

  To carefully read and critically analyze imaginative literature;

To understand how setting, point-of-view, characterization, plot, structure, and theme work together with the literary techniques above to achieve meaning;

  To analyze imaginative literature including prose, drama, short-stories, poetry, and novels;

  To understand the social, cultural, and historical values that influence a particular work as well as the reflection of those values by a given work.

General Expectations:

  Take responsibility for own learning by setting goals for growth and monitoring progress toward goals;

  Participate actively in class by doing in-class writings, sharing writings, sharing ideas in discussions and seminars, working cooperatively in groups, asking questions, staying focused on task, and listening closely to others;

Enter into a lively discussion about the text by challenging, agreeing, synthesizing information from several texts, relating own and others experiences to text, connecting with other texts and with political, cultural, and historical events, and analyzing how the author uses various literary techniques to create meaning;

Keep a journal of personal reactions and responses to literature;

Read and prepare a written response for each reading assignment on the day assigned;

Make informal and formal class presentations;

  Write in-class essay exams; develop a strong thesis statement and strong evidence to support thesis;

  Write a variety of process compositions with each step word-processed and in class on the day assigned; apply the writing process: pre-writing, drafting, revision and editing;

Bring to class rough or revised drafts as assigned and enter into peer response groups to constructively discuss those drafts for the purpose of improving

Attendance:  Be Here! Be on time! Your presence is valuable to the entire class; one of the real joys of studying
great literature occurs in the discussing and sharing of ideas about those works. When you are absent, we miss your ideas. If you are going to be gone for a school activity, you should meet with me before you leave. Please turn in the assignment that is due before you leave; otherwise, with an excused absence, you will have two days to make up your work.

Plagiarism:  Papers and other assignments submitted to me are expected to be your own work. Submitting
work that is not your own or not clearly documented according to MLA format is plagiarism and will result
in a zero for that assignment. The term grade will also be lowered by one letter grade, per school policy. On
major assignments, the semester grade will be lowered one letter grade. I consider using outside resources,
like Spark notes, as your own work or as a substitution for your own reading to be cheating.

Any form of cheating will not be tolerated, and will result in a zero for the evaluation.

Grades and Assignments:

All grades are based on a total point system.

Assignments must be turned in on time unless you have previously

made arrangements with me. Refer to the school policy concerning absences and make-up work. You have two
days to make up any work that you miss. Certain assignments such as discussions, discussion preparation, peer
workshops, quizzes, and presentations will not be accepted late.

GRADING:  Individual assignments will be graded on the following scale:

90 - 100% = A

80 - 89% = B

70 - 79% = C

60 - 69% = D

59% or less = F

MAKE UP WORK: Make up work is the responsibility of the student, not the teacher. All assignments will be
posted. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to get the assignment. Unless special arrangements are made, assignments due on the day of an absence are due upon the student's return. Being absent is not an excuse for not 
getting the assignments. In the event of an excused absence, students have two days to make up the missed class
 work. If you have questions while being absent you should use the email

EXTRA CREDIT: This is left up to the discretion of the teacher.

MATERIALS: Unless instructed otherwise, students should bring the following every day:


  A pencil and pen (please use a black or blue pen)

  Relevant homework



MISCELLANEOUS: Being prepared is an important lesson for the real world; students may not leave the room
except for emergencies: clinic or restroom.

ESSAYS: There will be several major essays of various page requirements assigned over the semester. Essay types
will include research, expository, analytical, and reader response. All major essays will have extensive assignment